19. October 2018. Zagrebački holding d.o.o. is a partner in the EU project "In-LoRe (Croatian eInvoicing for Local and Regional Authorities)".
The Action supports the uptake of eInvoicing services by Croatian public entities, including local and regional authorities, allowing them to send and/or receive electronic invoices compliant with the EN (supported by both syntaxes of the EN).
In particular, this Action aims at increasing the use of eInvoicing Exchange Hub (updated to support EN and connected to the PEPPOL eDelivery Network under Action 2016-HR-IA-0090) by integrating it with 55 public entities, local and regional authorities. Moreover, 67 entitles will be registered to the eInvoicing Central Web portal (to be used by the entities not having an EN invoicing IT solution or as a backup option for entities using the eInvoice Exchange Hub).
As a result of this Action, 80 public entities will be compliant with eInvoicing requirements of Directive 2014/55/EU.
This Action builds on the results of the previously funded CEF actions (2015-HR-IA-0048 and 2016-HR-IA-0090) that updated the eInvoicing Exchange Hub for the EN compliance, deployed eDelivery PEPPOL Access Points and started the integration of local and regional authorities with the eInvoice Exchange Hub.