The company Zrinjevac is in business since 1977 as a legal successor of the companies Gradska vrtlarija, Nasadi, Flora, Unikum and Jankomir. With the establishment of the Croatian Republic and the new organization of the city government in 1990, Zrinjevac becomes a public company for the planning of public green areas in the City. After transfer of the business share in 2006 Zrinjevac joined the Gradsko komunalno gospodarstvo, and after 2007 acts as a subsidiary Zrinjevac within the Zagreb Holding. In 2013 marked 120 years from the establishing of Gradska vrtlarija and published a monograph for this occasion.
Zrinjevac designs, arranges and maintains public and other green areas, children's playgrounds and sports and recreational facilities. It also deals with the sale of seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs, potted plants and cut flowers, bulbs and seeds of grass, garden soil, compost, garden accessories, machinery and tools and equipment for parks, plazas, children's playgrounds, sports and recreational facilities. It also offers the services of permanent or temporary decorating the interior space with indoor plants, as well as decorating the balconies and terraces, and maintenance services for room plants and small family gardens, which includes continuous professional care.
The application of the latest professional achievements in the production of top quality turf grass is also worth pointing out.
One of the more important projects for Zrinjevac is the organization of INTERNATIONAL GARDEN EXHIBITION FLORAART, which it has been organizing since 1992. Zrinjevac also takes care of the management of the green mass (compost) of the city of Zagreb, and manages two composting plants. He also established the Cadastre of Green Areas in the City of Zagreb, which records all changes in green areas.
Zrinjevac possesses quality and environment management systems according to the international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
Božena Cvitanović
Tel:+3851 6598 999
Fax: +3851 6525 093