The quantities of separately collected bio-waste in the city of Zagreb increased in 2020. by 19.8 tons or even 3 times compared to the previous year.
May 7, 2021 – From today on will citizens of the City of Zagreb - users of Zagreb Holding's services take home a bag of quality natural organic fertilizer “Zrinko” in exchange for disposal of household waste in the recycling yards of the Čistoća subsidiary.
It is compost produced by the Zrinjevac subsidiary from organic waste collected in brown containers from the citizens of the city of Zagreb, and from green waste (from trees and shrubs) collected from public areas by the Zrinjevac subsidiary.
Thanks to the expansion of communal infrastructure and the engagement of citizens, two years ago the Čistoća subsidiary collected a total of 32.3 tons of bio-waste, 6.3 tons in 2019 and 26.1 tons in 2020, or even 3 times more.
Let remind you, the service of separate waste collection in 2019 has been extended to bio-waste collected from users in single-family homes and apartment buildings. As part of this service, all citizens of the city of Zagreb were given the opportunity to separate bio-waste on their doorstep into brown containers.
Only plant substances are collected in brown containers: cuttings of trees and shrubs, leaves, grass cuttings, remains of fruits and plants. Waste of animal origin, such as meat products, bones or residues of heat-treated food need to be disposed as mixed municipal waste (in the case of households) or as the content of specially designated containers for kitchen waste (catering).
Jankomir composting plant - the first ecological project of waste disposal
One of the first projects of ecological waste disposal in Zagreb and Croatia is composting, which began in 1991 with the opening of the Jankomir composting plant. Today, the utilization of separately collected green waste and bio-waste in the Zagreb area is performed at 2 locations, in the Markuševec and Prudinec composting plants, where green waste is recovered and the Zrinjevac subsidiary returns it as compost to green areas of the city and the plant production process.
Compost bag “Zrinko” is a quality natural organic fertilizer obtained by composting organic waste. It is suitable for improving the physico-chemical and biological properties of the soil. It provides the plant with the necessary micro and macro nutrients, optimal water regime of the soil and enhances microbiological activity.
The compost produced in this way is available to the citizens of the city of Zagreb free of charge in recycling yards, when disposing of household waste. Compost is divided into bags with a volume of 10 liters.
Biodegradable waste management is the most natural way to recycle waste. Positive effects result in food production, protection of soil, groundwater and climate.