19. October 2017. With you again for the first time under the joint title
- ORGANICA - KrONOPLJA - 7th Healthy Food Fair
- APITtera - 7th Healthy Food Fair
- MYSTIC - 7th Fair of Alternative Lifestyle
Natural balance, healthy living, power of public speech and the possibility to choose among several options – conventional or complementary way of living, are the basic determinants of this project. The results achieved in the past years rank the Healthy Living Fairs among the most propulsive fairs especially in the exhibition and programme segments, which are increasing from year to year together with the number of exhibitors. The programme comprising lectures, seminars, congresses, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and other forms of education to last for 270 hours will be held at eight locations during all four days of the fair.
It is no coincidence that many book pages are devoted to self-help. Everyday life requires a large amount of energy to harmonize business, family and many other obligations while leaving very little time for working on yourself and finding 'your true self'. The awareness of this emptiness leads you to further search for yourself. The Healthy Living Fairs provide a holistic approach in this quest.
Very valuable are lectures on the topic The Power of a Woman and how to awaken your own power to become a top manager of Life or How to (fall in) love (with) yourself. Vera Čudina teaches us that there is a solution to every crisis in life, and Keith Sherwood talks about secrets of energy healing and self-realization. Life is a game, but obstacles often make it less fun. How to make life easier will be the topic of the lecture How to create life with ease. The lecturer from Damanhur Italy will explain how to get in touch with synchronicity. Several hours of the programme will be dedicated to the biodynamic food production and presentation of the family farms that grow food this way. Marketing and exports of organic products will be discussed as well. The topic of City gardens will be of interest to those who want to create an oasis in the heart of the city. The topic of medical hemp dominates the media space since the interest in this plant is constantly growing. At K(r)onoplja the experts have for several years been raising the awareness among the public about the positive effects of hemp on health.
After a lot of queries on how to get involved in the production of this plant you can learn it on the lecture called How to run a start-up - smart up! A lot of attention is dedicated to education so you can expect workshops of Ayurvedic cuisine and making of natural cosmetics, NLP workshops, breathing and meditation techniques, healing power of breath, singing workshops, light and sound, sound baths, Gong Puja, Kundalini, Shakti and Ashtanga yoga, aikido, while the forest chef Anton Rudan will cook with wild herbs.
Saturday afternoon is reserved for The Border Areas of Science with Krešimir Mišak, after which you can attend the Tribal Jam Orchestra concert. Most of us are aware of the fact that "If the bees disappear, the humanity will disappear too.“ Without bees the natural balance on Earth would be disrupted. Bee products have a therapeutic effect on human body and health. More on the subject please find out at the International professional gathering: Apitherapy – preservation of health with bee products. A whole range of lectures will be organized for all those engaged in beekeeping on topics like: what is the future of bees and beekeeping, the influence of climatic changes and challenges of modern beekeeping etc.
Besides the educational and expert segment, the fair offers honey tasting and the exhibition of old beekeeping equipment.
The 2015 edition in figures:
240 exhibitors
277 hours of programme at 8 locations
more than 20,000 visitors
We look forward to yet another cooperation and joint creation of the
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Zagreb, the capital and the economic, administrative, tourist, cultural and transit centre of the Republic of Croatia awwaits you at the
HUNTING AND FISHING DAYS that will take place at the Zagreb Fair grounds from 20 - 22 October 2017.
- Promotion and development of the hunting and fishing tourism
- Presentation of new products and the equipment to distributors, hunters and anglers
- Education and expert symposia on trends and legal provisions in the held of hunting and fishing aimed at preservation and better protection of game, fish and their natural habitats
- Promotion of sport disciplines in hunting, freshwater and saltwater fishing
- Promotion of hunting grounds, fish farms and hunting and fishing destinations in the country and abroad
- Development and promotion of the hunting kinology
The fair is intended for:
- Hunters, anglers and nature lovers
- Manufactures, traders and distributors of hunting weapons, ammunition and equipment
- Manufactures, traders and distributors of the equipment for freshwater and saltwater fishing
- Manufactures and traders of freshwater and saltwater fishing boats
- Representatives and traders of off-road vehicles
- Hunting lessees
- Managers of fishing farms
- Publishers of specialized magazines and literature related to hunting and fishing
- Travel agencies offering arrangmenets related to hunting and fishing tourism
- Authorized state institutions
- Students and pupils