14 June 2018. City Gasworks Zagreb, in collaboration with Croatian Post, will start performing gas meter readings on Friday, 15 th June. Gas meter readings will be performed every working day, including Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and will last until 15 July. Our meter readers are required to show their official badge to customers prior to entering the premises where the measurement point is located.
Pursuant to the Gas Market Act, in the said period, City Gasworks Zagreb, as the distribution system operator, is obligated to take annual gas meter readings of gas consumption at all calculation measurement points of its distribution area.
The same law imposes an obligation on all customers to enable authorized persons to freely access calculation measurement points. Hindrance of meter reading constitutes a misdemeanour and is subject to monetary sanctions.
Customers will be informed in a timely manner about the exact time of meter readings via information leaflets, which shall be delivered in their letter-boxes and posted on notice boards of their residence buildings.
City Gasworks Zagreb hereby invites all customers to enable free meter reading to employees of Croatian Post.