The retail areas of markets are primarily occupied by domestic producers offering their own, fresh, domestic products. These products are the very foundation of the Zagreb's gastronomy offer. Variety, colors, sounds and smells on the Zagreb markets change with the seasons and represent a first class tourist attraction. Besides the retail markets, other subsidiaries of Tržnice Zagreb are also Veletržnica (Wholesale Market), Hladnjača (Cold Storage) and Zelena tržnica (Green Market) which encompass an offer of fruit, vegetables, meat and fish that satisfies the needs of not only Zagreb, but the whole North-Western Croatia.
Back in 1242 , the Croatian-Hungarian King Bela IV, fleeing from the Tatars, took refuge in the tower Lotrščak, in the Upper Town or Gradec. Thanking for life saved and safety offered he donates Gradec the status of a free city. Since then Gradec has the right to organize a fairground or a market and, as a free royal city, collets toll ("mitnica") and taxes for its own account and that is the very moment that we consider a beginning of the market in Gradec (Zagreb). In 1850, when Gradec and Kaptol merged into one municipal entity with the name the City of Zagreb, we record as a commencement of Zagreb markets. In 1850 the first farmer's market was placed in front of the Cathedral, precisely near Kaptolska klet, and at the end of the 19th century it was moved to Ban Jelačić Sqare.
In 1928 the city council of the City of Zagreb adopted a decision to build a central city farmer's market on the location Dolac 2. The construction was finished in 1930. In the same year, the City establishes its company Tržnice Zagreb encompassing the market on Dolac ("belly of the city"), "Međašni plac" - old market Kvatrić, "Market under the cherry tree" (Trešnjevački plac) and a wholesale market with its central building - commodities exchange, which is today farmer's market Branimirova.
City Council adopts an act called "Tržni red na tržnicama" (Trading order on markets) regulating mode and rules of trade, attitude towards customers, as well as all other modes of controlling goods - market, sanitary, veterinary and utility inspections - in order to guarantee quality and health safety of food. After the 2nd World War, with the growth of the City, a number of markets also increases, so today we have 22 farmer's retail markets, distributed in all City quarters, as well as Wholesale Market, Cold Storage and Green Market. Since 2000, when shopping centers arrived, the structure of sellers in Tržnice Zagreb changes - there are more producers and fewer crafts and stores - which contributes to the image (farmer's market brand) of a place for trading with domestic, fresh and quality products.
The quality management certificate according to the standard ISO 9001:2015 has been obtained for Wholesale Market and Cold Storage facilities. The certificate for implementing HACCP system has been obtained in 2006.
Marin Rončević
Tel: +3851 6422 818
Faks: +3851 6429 500