Through direct co-financing of the purchase of energy efficient vehicles, the branches of Gradska Groblja, Zagrebparking and ZGOS procured electric vehicles and electric bicycles with a subsidy from the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.
We remind citizens whose residential buildings were damaged in the earthquake, the possibility of free parking in public garages and public parking lots, for one or three months, depending on the level of damage to the residential building, with the possibility of extension.
As of yesterday, the City of Zagreb has a modernized control and management system of the water supply network and a dispatch center. It is an investment worth HRK 5 million, which improves business efficiency and increases the quality of customer service.
Among the laureates, who were awarded this valuable recognition on the occasion of the Day of the City of Zagreb, are the employees of the Zagreb Holding and the institution Gradska ljekarna Zagreb.
The Zagreb Holding Group, with positive indicators in the field of investments and social responsibility, ended 2019 with a positive financial result, as can be seen from the published annual reports.
Based on the Decision of the National Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia on amending the Decision on working hours and operation of the markets during the COVID-19 pandemic, following a more favorable epidemiological situation, the ban on the operation of markets on Sundays was lifted.
By the decision of the Assembly of the company Gradska plinara Zagreb - Opskrba d.o.o., Ivona Ilijaš has been appointed director / member of the Management Board of that company as of today, for a term of four years.
A short overview of the most important information and recommendations for the citizens of Zagreb affected by the earthqake during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the purpose of prevention, we advise that in the coming days all activities related to the management of the services of Zagreb City Holding and its subsidiaries be realized through our digital channels.
From the Operational communication department through internal applications was established real-time monitoring of vehicles in carrying out daily waste collection operations and the status of separate waste collection tanks in the green islands, which are equipped with occupancy sensors.